Feedback from the Youth Up-liftment and Skills Programme held in June – July

August 27, 2014
September 15, 2014

The Biggest Deal project organized by the Theewaterskloof Municipality

Meyer de Waal contributed his skills as a mentor for the Biggest Deal youth project staged at Theewaterskloof during the months of June and July this year.

Jade, who you may know from her stint on the MasterChef South Africa series, and also the daughter of Meyer, participated as a mentor with her team placing third – out of the initial 26 teams – in the challenge.

The teams had to overcome various challenges, including the heartbreak reality of a family member passing, and a drug addict who stole the hard earned money of one of the teams.

The Biggest Deal Challenge is aimed at exposing the youth to the business-world and providing them with a taste of starting their own business. In this project, teams varying in size and age, were called on to participate in the hopes of winning the cash prize of R 10 000.00 (ten thousand rand) and building their entrepreneurial skills.

A total of 26 teams signed up with only five teams making it to the final stages. The top five teams provided an array of business ideas ranging from baking and confectionery to performing arts and “upcycling”.

The first team based their business idea on providing baked goods and confectionery sweets to the local community with the intention of gaining access to the local markets to vend their products. They raised a large profit of R 1 245.00 from a mere R 178.00 start-up capital.

The second team concentrated their efforts in offering a spa-like service to both males and females. This business proposal focused primarily on providing manicure and pedicures but the team showed much enthusiasm and belief in their proposal which moved the expert panel. The team produced a profit of R 1 409.81 after paying their start-up loan.

The third team undertook a different route and focused their business plans on creating new products from undesirable objects. The team ended off with a profit of R 323.00.

The fourth team centralised their concepts on delivering a social and more artistic medium in which to create a business. They saw a growing desire to provide other young adults in the area with the opportunity to see cinematic pictures at a price which was reasonable to their pockets. The team made a profit of R 800.00 but catastrophe struck when the entire profit was stolen before the final cash-up.

The fifth team were unfortunate to lose one of its members during the challenge and were subsequently unable to complete the project. However, mention should be made on their performance and ability to overcome the obstacles that were thrown their way. They chose to create a business in which products could be “upcycled” to created newer goods.

We are proud to have been associated with this fantastic project and the Municipality have already received requests to expand the concept to other municipalities.

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