Tenants battling to pay their rent and save for a deposit for their new home can now use their rent to buy their new home.
Uniquely, this product is available for all approved properties in Cape Town and now also in Gauteng, priced from R400,000 to R1,8m.
Rent2buy is the brainchild of residential market innovator and attorney, Meyer de Waal, who has worked tirelessly to include any approved property for sale in the market currently.
“Pre-approved potential buyers identify the home they wish to purchase and we assess whether it is correctly priced,” says de Waal. “If it ticks all the boxes, our financier purchases the property and we enter into an instalment sale agreement with the buyer who ‘rents’ the property for 24 months.”
Estimated rental per month
Qualifying buyers’ monthly rental will calculated +/- as follows: This is what it looks like on paper:
Price freeze
The benefit is that the purchase price will remain the same for 2 years to give a Rent2buy buyer the time to get his or her “bucks in a row” and credit approval resolved to apply for a normal home loan.
Besides the great opportunity Cape Town and Gauteng buyers from R400,000 to R1,8m have to own their very own home within two years, the original purchase price remains static.
To put this into context, the City of Cape Town’s house prices grew on average 11.4% year-on-year in Q3 2017, according to FNB household and property sector strategist, John Loos. Gauteng’s house price growth, on the other hand, is ambling along at less than 5% growth
on average.
Rental payment monitor, Payprop, reports that in Q3 2017, landlords nationally increased their rental by 4.94% year-on-year.
Tenants in the Western Cape and Gauteng, however, saw their rental hiked on average by
10.2% and 7.9%, respectively.
How are tenants, therefore, able to sufficiently save for a deposit amid above-inflation rental hikes and rising house price growth, steadily taking away their homeownership aspirations.
Do you want to own your own home?
“Are you almost ready to buy your own home but you’re struggling to obtain a home loan for the following reasons:
“Then Rent2Buy Finance might be the solution,” says de Waal, noting that applicants under debt review, administration, sequestration, or those who have judgements will need to supply a clearance certificate to prove the process is completed or almost completed.
Get pre-qualified
A Rent2buy purchaser must first be pre-qualified by the Rent2buy team and then will receive a certificate of affordability to go out and find his or her own property to buy – in the City of Cape Town or Gauteng approved areas.
Find your home
Once you find the property that you want to buy, send the information to the Rent2buy team by email (Juanita@mybondfitness.co.za)
Rent2buy negotiates the deal
The Rent2buy team contacts the seller or estate agent and negotiates the deal, evaluates the property and purchases the property.
Consider the terms and conditions
A Rent2buy quote will then be submitted for a Rent2buy buyer to consider and accept.
The property finance team will review the application and do their own valuation of the property to ensure it is not overpriced.
You will then sign a Rent2buy agreement [Rent2buy option and Rent2buy Purchase Agreement] based on the terms and conditions provided and accepted by yourself.
Rent2buy term
The Rent2buy purchaser will then have a 2-year period to get his or her “bucks in a row” to apply for a home loan and acquire the property through the Rent2buy contract. Terms and conditions will be provided.
Rent2buy personal trainer – get “bond fit”
During the Rent2buy term, the Rent2buy buyer needs to participate in the Rent2buy programme to work towards a home loan qualification with the Rent2buy Personal Trainer.
The Rent2buy purchaser will need a deposit of +/- 6% towards the purchase price and costs – full terms and conditions will be provided. This deposit is paid on signature of the Rent2buy agreement.
To subscribe and register: click here
The deposit of +/- 6% x the purchase price is calculated as follows:
A portion to cover 2 x months’ rental. It is refunded back to the purchaser at the end of the Rent2buy term once damages [if any] are deducted at the outgoing inspection.
A portion to cover the transfer costs of buying the property, such to cover the conveyancing fees and transfer duty.
This will depend on the value of the property.
These are direct expenses and not refunded to the purchaser.
The purchaser pays no transfer duty once he/she takes transfer of the property after the 2-year Rent2buy term, only conveyancing fees and bond registration fees
For a handy calculator – click here
The balance is an Option fee. This is refunded back to the purchaser at the end of the Rent2buy term if all terms and condition are met, but forfeited if not to continue with the Rent2buy purchase and taking transfer.
Foreign buyer?
A bigger deposit will be required (+/- 20% of the purchase price). Terms and conditions apply.
Contact Juanita juanita@mybondfitness.co.za
Final Rent2buy prequalification
A Rent2buy final affordability and Rent2buy timeline calculation will be done by the Rent2buy team. A fee of R750/R 850 (R100 extra for spouse/co-purchaser) is applicable.
Online special discount
If applicants complete the online subscription (click here), complete their credit check, affordability check and upload all supporting documents such as pay slips, copy of identity document and latest proof of address, they pay the special price of R600/R700 (R100 extra for spouse/co-purchaser). The Rent2buy team will then do the final Rent2buy prequalification and provide the result.
Already a subscriber?
If you already registered on the R2B/MBF link and wish to proceed with the final Rent2buy pre-qualification in order to apply for Rent2buy finance, please send an email to juanita@mybondfitness.co.za
For more information Meyer de Waal meyer@mdwinc.co.za
021- 461 0065
This article is a general information sheet and should not be used or relied on as legal or other professional advice. No liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions nor for any loss or damage arising from reliance upon any information herein. Always contact your legal adviser for specific and detailed advice. Errors and omissions excepted (E&OE)