November 10, 2020

The rundown on rental deposits

Rental relationships can put individuals in precarious situations, something that has become all too clear amid the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Landlords are, however, aware of the possibility […]
August 4, 2020

The economic impact of the pandemic

A business interruption insurance policy typically caters for a decrease in turnover or profit (depending on the type of cover); an increase in operating expenses and […]
July 1, 2020

Does force majeure apply during COVID-19

Common Law position – in absence of a “force majeure” clause A force majeure is an act of God or man (such as a war, strike, […]
July 1, 2020

Socially distanced property viewings

The real estate industry has always been known for utilising the latest technologies available to bring buyers and sellers together. From announcements at Town Hall gatherings […]
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